Please come on Friday, April 11, 2014, from 5-9 pm to see my work in "Looking Up", a group show with The Tower Press Artists Group at The Wooltex Gallery in the Tower Press Building, 1900 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH. Works from 16 artists were selected by Robert Thurmer, Director of The Galleries at CSU. There will be a Curator Conversation at 6:30pm. Also enjoy live music, Touch food truck, wine, and free parking.
Artists include: Erica Miller, Jessica Newell, Eric Rippert, Michael Greenwald, Billy Nainiger, Damian Venditti, Kathy Lynn, Robert Banks, JenMarie Zeleznak, Christopher Stofan, Deb Lawrence, Dan Morgan, Michael S. Levy, Scott Murphy, Anne Kibbe and Clarence E. Van Duzer